Rolling Terrace Elementary School
Office: (240) 740-1950
Parent Teacher Association of Rolling Terrace Elementary School / La Asociación de Padres y Maestros de la Escuela Rolling Terrace
Office: (240) 740-1950
Rolling Terrace PTA is a vibrant community of volunteers dedicated to supporting students, their families, teachers and staff at Rolling Terrace Elementary School in Takoma Park, Maryland.
Las membresías comienzan en $5 y apoyan nuestra misión.
Memberships start at $5 and support our mission.
Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar con los próximos eventos. ¿Tienes unas horas para contribuir?
Volunteers are needed to help with upcoming events. Do you have a few hours to contribute?
You can support the PTA in many ways including a contribution to support mini-grants to teachers and other programs.
You can support the PTA in many ways including a contribution to support mini-grants to teachers and other programs.
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Get the latest announcements via text message and join the conversation via chat. Sign up for Remind and WhatsApp to stay informed!